Elderly man and woman walking and holding hands
Yeah! on a card with balloons in background
Woman sitting in a cafe facing a man with angry look whose back is to camera.
red heart-shaped ceramic bowls of different sizes stacked one inside the other
hands gently holding a small white flower

After sexual assault and rape

If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted or raped it is important to report the crime whether it just happened or a long time ago.

For a list of ACT local support services see Know more: Supporting you.

For more information on what you can do see Canberra Rape Crisis Centre: Informing the police.

cartoon depiction of an explosion with the word STOP! in the middle
You Can't Share That! No Permission? No right. www.whattosay.org.au Image shows a mobile phone with a cartoon of a man with a speech bubble "She doesn't know, but with a rack like that I'm sure she wouldn't mind me showing this 'round..." while looking at an image of a topless woman on his phone